Pediatric Pulp Therapies

Pediatric endodontics can be confusing and challenging. Choosing the right treatment plan is dependent on a multitude of factors: primary vs. permanent tooth, pulpal state, open vs. closed apex, estimated retention time for the tooth, and a variety of materials to use. To make things just a bit tougher, you’re usually dealing with a patient with limited cooperation and…

Why your IAN block failed.

Even the most experienced dentists have a hard time achieving inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) anesthesia 100% of the time. Although the numbers can vary with every study, it’s reported that IAN anesthesia failure can be as high as 48%. Nothing can put fear in your soul like when a patient jumps up when you’re 30 seconds into drilling…

The Sinus Perforation Checklist

It’s Friday afternoon. You’re ready to go home. You’ve extracted a tooth on the maxilla, and now you see an itty-bitty hole in bottom of the tooth socket. Could it be…a sinus perforation? This can lead to a lot of problems down the road for the patient. In fact, tooth extractions are not the only way oroantral communications (OAC) can happen. Dental…

Did You Know? PRF

Platelet Rich Fibrin also known as PRF Platelet rich fibrin also known as PRF has gained popularity for use in surgical procedures to help heal the site more rapidly and effectively through it’s potential ability to stimulate regeneration of a variety tissue types. What is it? It is the patient’s own blood collected at the…

How To Manage: Autotransplatation Of Teeth Part 1

The following presentation is the first part of our case series on the management of ectopic eruption of teeth. Part 1  As we’ve discovered in our previous article, autotransplantation can be a viable means of replacing teeth. This procedure, however, requires a very technique sensitive protocol and  management by means of multidisciplinary team and implementation of…

How To: Perform An Operculectomy With Lasers

“The gingival flap distal to an erupting molar, an operculum, can cause a lot of havoc.” An operculum can lead either to pain caused by the occlusion of the opposing maxillary molar or by local inflammation/infection (pericoronitis) because of food debris and plaque accumulation between the tooth surface and the gingival flap. The painful and/or inflamed/infected operculum…