The Effect of Oral Premed on IANB Efficacy

Successful management of pain is a critical aspect of dentistry. This becomes a great challenge when patients present to clinic with a painful endodontic emergency. Management of acute symptoms of irreversible pulpitis can be difficult to manage especially in the posterior lower quadrants. As IANB success in patients with irreversible pulpitis can be as low as 30%.  The…

Pediatric Pulp Therapies

Pediatric endodontics can be confusing and challenging. Choosing the right treatment plan is dependent on a multitude of factors: primary vs. permanent tooth, pulpal state, open vs. closed apex, estimated retention time for the tooth, and a variety of materials to use. To make things just a bit tougher, you’re usually dealing with a patient with limited cooperation and…

How To Manage: Autotransplatation Of Teeth Part 1

The following presentation is the first part of our case series on the management of ectopic eruption of teeth. Part 1  As we’ve discovered in our previous article, autotransplantation can be a viable means of replacing teeth. This procedure, however, requires a very technique sensitive protocol and  management by means of multidisciplinary team and implementation of…

External Inflammatory Root Resorption

Bioactive bioceramics are materials that react with the tissue components. The “bioactivity” of the materials refers to its ability to create a hydroxyapatite layer when in contact with tissue fluid rich in calcium and phosphate. This property allows the material to be highly biocompatible, osteoinductive, osteoconductive, and contributes to its sealing ability. These materials also…

How To Treat: Fusion of Maxillary Anterior Teeth// Macrodontia – PART 1

The following presentation is part of three case series on management of macrodontia of fused anterior maxillary incisors. Tune in each week as we discuss each unique scenario. Part 1  Macrodontia of anterior teeth may be an isolated condition or occur as a result of fusion, gemination, or concorcense of teeth. Just to refresh: Fusion of…

Managing Pulp Exposures In Mature Teeth

The primary goal of any dental treatment is to preserve the pulp or reverse any damage to it. In mature teeth, when there is a carious pulp exposure, the usual treatment is pulpectomy or root canal therapy. The consensus is that pulp capping (most often performed using calcium hydroxide), whether direct or indirect, doesn’t lead…

Autotransplantation of a tooth in a site with a periradicular lesion.

Case Presentation A 19-year-old man presented to the dental office with pain and swelling around tooth 4.6. The tooth had a history of an initial root canal treatment, 5 years ago, due to a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis. The tooth was retreated two times by endodontists, due to continued symptomatic apical periodontitis. Intraoral examination revealed a…