See You In 6 Months…

The twice a year routine is the hallmark of modern day prevention in dentistry. Despite its origins, the 6-month interval has become a timeline for care, which is adjusted by the dentists depending on the patient’s caries and/or periodontal risks in order to establish and maintain oral health. During a dental visit, patients medical and dental history are…

Covid’s Risk For Dentists

Going to work in oral healthcare can make a lot of us anxious these days. The global pandemic is still evolving and there are still many unknowns about the behavior of the COVID-19 virus. Dental health providers are directly in the line of fire, with close proximity to patients and aerosols from common procedures. So…

How To Do a Smile Makeover With Composite.

Clinical Case Report A 30-year-old woman presented to the dental clinic to improve her smile, because of multiple spaces between her anterior teeth. The patient is a heavy grinder, leading to generalized attrition and uneven anterior incisal edges. The patient had discolored cervical bonding on multiple anterior teeth. The patient did not report any medical…

How To: Treat Fluorosis

Dealing with dental fluorosis is tricky. Depending on the severity of the hypomineralization, there are many different treatment options. Sometimes the issue is solved with simple bleaching, yet sometimes veneers/ or crowns are needed to mask the unappealing “white spots.” Unfortunately, many times the treatment of choice presents itself through trial and error, after exhausting…